Everyone has a dream of being beautiful, from deep inside. Some people express their dream, others keep it as their privacy. Each one of you secretly admits that you have tried some tips or products to improve your skin tone at least once in your life. Here you have some easy methods, you can follow at home to be more beautiful and free from skin problems. The following Ayurvedic drugs do magic with your skin.
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Chandana or Sandal

Chandana (Santalum album) is known for its beautiful aroma. It belongs to varnya varga of Acharya Caraka. It improves complexion. There are two varieties of chandana- white sandal and red sandal. Both have an excellent effect on the skin. External application of chandana paste cures pigmentation and gives lustre to the face.
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Ushira or Cuscus grass

This plant also belongs to varnya varga that improve skin colour. The root of this plant has many contents that are beneficial for your skin. Ushira (Vetiveria zizanoides)should be added to water. Take special care not to boil this drug in water. Ushira should be added only to cool water. If you add this to hot water, ushira loses its medicinal value.
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Manjishta or Indian madder

The root of manjishta (Rubia cordifolia) triturated with honey should be applied to the skin to improve the skin colour and texture.
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Sariva or Indian sarsaparilla

Sariva (Hemidescus indicus) is a shrub famous for its ability to relieve thirst when taken with water. Roots of sariva, when used for drinking, bathing and for application in combination or individually, is beneficial to the skin.
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Aragwadha or Purging cassia

Aragwadha (Cassia fistula) is a large tree with beautiful flowers. It has a wonderful ability to deal with skin problems. Leaves of aragwadha should be triturated with buttermilk and applied for problem-free skin.
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Dadima or Pomegranate

Dadima (Punica granatum) is one of the favourite fruits of Indians. Application of triturated fresh rind of dadima with goat's milk gives good complexion.
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Arjuna or White murdah

Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) has an excellent result in protecting the heart. Apart from this, it also treats skin disorders. Application of a paste of arjuna bark and honey is useful in managing pigmentation of the skin.
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Yashtimadhu or Liquorice

Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a tall perennial plant that belongs to varnya varga of Acharya Caraka. The paste of yashtimadhu and honey helps to improve complexion.
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Khadira or Cutch tree

Khadira (Acacia catechu) helps in managing many skin problems. Water boiled with khadira used for drinking, bathing etc helps to prevent skin diseases. Drinking decoction of khadira is very useful for curing vitiligo.
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Nimba or Neem

Nimba (Azadirachta indica) is very efficacious when it comes to skin diseases. Powder of nimba is applied along with cows milk to tackle skin problems.
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Kumkumakesara or Saffron

Kumkumakesara (Crocus sativus) is a herb indigenous to Kashmir. Dried stigma of kumkumakesara is said to have a wonderful effect in improving the complexion when taken along with milk.
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Vidanga or Embelia fruit

Vidanga (Embelia ribes) is a shrub belonging to kushtaghna varga. It helps to cure many skin diseases. Powder of vidanga should be taken along with honey for maintaining skin health.

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