
Image result for image of us samoosa

 Samosa is not actually from India.
Originally known as ‘Sambosa’, this snack was introduced in India by traders of the Middle East. So the origin of Samosa is actually rooted in the Middle East.

2.Gulab Jamun

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This mouth-watering dessert which has been ruling every Indian heart is not originated to India.
It actually came to India from Persia. The original form of it is known as ‘luqmat al qadi’.


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One of the simplest and easy to make recipe, dal-chawal or dal-bhaat is one of our favourites to diminish hunger. You will be shocked to know that this desi dish is not desi at all. Dal-chawal was introduced to Northern India from Nepal and then it spread over the country.


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Originally called ‘Zalibiya’, this famous Indian sweet actually came to India through the hands of Persian invaders. Today this sweet has become an important part of our culture.


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Our everyday must-have 'chai' (tea) actually came from China. The British brought 'chai' to India to cut the monopoly of China in the tea market. Ever since 'chai' has become a part of every Indian household. *** Thanks fitnes pro**